by chodhry | Sep 13, 2018 | Current Issues, Politics
This article’s title has taken you by surprise. Hasn’t it? Well this was intentional. There are some problems that are easily solvable but so far current government has not taken them seriously. One such problem was the inability to take over the official twitter...
by chodhry | Aug 29, 2018 | Current Issues, Politics
In past few days, there has been a lot of hue and cry on the fact that Imran Khan is using the helicopter assigned to the premier of Pakistan as if either he is not the current premier or the helicopter in question belongs to some other government. While media was...
by chodhry | Jul 1, 2017 | Current Issues
I am speechless over the oil tanker incident. It was indeed very unfortunate but so did the one which happened almost 5 years ago, in July 2012, when a man was burnt alive on blasphemy account. But it is downright disgusting to link the two separate incidents to...
by chodhry | Feb 11, 2010 | Comic Strips, Current Issues
Google is about to get a ban for exposing all the crisis in Pakistan despite all the efforts of current governement to deny any crisis at all. Well, a friend just emailed this image to me with a title of google being honest about our crisis. Saying that our Government...
by chodhry | Dec 12, 2009 | Comic Strips, Current Issues
Synopsis: When DOCTORS become money EXTORTIONISTS… then hospitals turn into prison cells for patients, facing a painful death penalty while the helpless family is forced to watch their execution. www.Imanae.Co.Uk We are way BETTER than these Doctors! We...
by chodhry | Dec 11, 2009 | Comic Strips, Current Issues
This post is dedicated to Amanae Malik, a 3 years old girl who got killed at Doctor’s Hospital Lahore on second day of Eid. This is a graphical representation to my last blog post (at where I have talked about how I think Doctor’s hospital alone...
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